Development is not only about doing or making, but also providing, guiding, assisting, and educating.
Design is not just the result of clicking a few things in Photoshop, but listening to the needs, discussing the options, and providing solutions.
UX | UI Any website is the culmination of many facets. Good User Experience and User Interface result in great websites which drive business goals while servicing the site user in engaging ways.
Web Architecture uses technical, aesthetic, and functional criteria to plan and develop websites while paying particular attention to web content and web design, with the focus being on the user and on user requirements.
Simply said: Web Architecture means structuring a website to achieve business goals.
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We make professional, beautiful and usable web sites
Web Architecture interlaces and combines several fields:
Web Architecture is the masterminded creation of a website’s strategy, information structure, technology, design, and usability.
A Web Architect sees the world through two lenses: information that needs structure, and structures that need form. It’s not enough for sites to function well; as I see it, they need to function beautifully. — Paul D. Gurney, PDG
The initial purpose of a website is usually based on an idea of the owner, and most business owners will have a sense what they want to achieve with their new website, without having the specific background knowledge of how to reach this goal. Clarifying and distilling the objectives and requirements is the first step for a Web Architect before beginning to plan the specifics.
Web Architects conceptualize the structure of a website and plan exactly how different components will be linked together which includes a mix of:
The duties of a Web Architect are far-reaching, more than only coding markup language (HTML) or using a graphical program to create a web page. They need to have good knowledge of Content Management Systems (CMS), user-friendly and accessible navigation practices, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and how to implement a variety of goals in modern, responsive websites.
Web Architects may also work with databases. Additionally, Web Architects need to have skills in trouble-shooting various aspects of websites, prevent broken links and media that fails to load correctly.
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We build web sites
Graphic Design as background and years of experience lead to being well versed in all forms of visual communication : web design, logo development, branding and corporate identity.
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Good design engages the user in a positive way, no matter if it is in the form of a printed brochure or a shopping cart on the web. Human-centered design zones in on the problems, goals, needs, emotions and behavior of people in relation to the product.
Any of the 3 aspects — understanding the context of use (why would someone use it), specifying user requirements (what can be done with it), and the design solutions (how is its functionality and aesthetics) — need to be evaluated against business requirements.
Excellent User Experience (UX) Design considers the entirety of a product and the user. Seamless, fluid experience for the user is void of any possible frictions or barriers, making an application accessible and pleasant to interact with.
We create web sites
You can find me in many places on the internet, but probably you are mostly interested in
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Then there is also a slew of information to be found at
mStudiosTALK — mostly code related tips and tricks, but also design and gadget related stuff, next to resources and more.
Some of my more current work can be found right here:
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If you feel you would like to plunge into the dark past, you can always head over to my archives. It is a neglected section and has not been updated in years, dating back to almost prehistoric times and crossing over into other areas I have dabbled in.
We make web sites
NOUN: Workplace for the teaching or practice of an art.
PLURAL: stu·di·os.
ETHYMOLOGY: Early 19th cent. : from Italian < Latin studium, eagerness, application ☛ study.
PRONOUNCIATION: ʹst(y)oōdēˌō
mStudios believes it's not just about doing or making, but also providing, guiding, assisting, and educating. Design is not just the result of clicking a few things in Photoshop, but listening to the needs, discussing the options, and proving solutions.
mStudios is a design studio which is not only active in one aspect of graphic design but covers a wide array of creative challenges.
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I endeavor to create real world, functional and usable solutions that meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
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We design and build web sites
Contact: Questions, comments or work are always welcome.
Phone: (913) 735-6674
We make professional, beautiful and usable web sites
These are some of the most recent project completed — my contribution being either partial or all.
[Spring 2019] This year brings many new and exciting challenges — and also this redesigned site. The original idea has evolved over the years and finally has come to fruition. It includes a flat PHP database and many custom javascript features.
[Winter 2018] I am proud to have finally brought all applications at work (with which I was directly involved) to full 508 and WCAG 2.0 Compliance.
[2018] The latest financial application features now split payment options for credit card, cash, check, money order, and traveler's check. The design and flow remain clean and beautiful, despite many configuration options.
NIC Inc.
Design and contribution to this over-the-counter financial application. Iteration stages included: single credit card processing, card or paper (cash, check, money order) transaction, split transactions.
Monte Cook Games
Designed and developed this responsive web application which accompanies the Invisible Sun role-playing tabletop game. It includes private groups and user access only, in-play chat, card animations and more.
NIC Inc.
Redesign and implementation for an existing, fixed width, default theme. The challenge was to create a responsive, 508 compliant application without breaking existing custom themes.
NIC Inc.
A series of modal messages, written in a modular fashion to allow easy integration into different projects.
NIC Inc.
Design and development of the prototype of an iFrame eCommerce solution. The application allows for loading an external checkout site and communication between both websites.
Responsive, Photoshop, PHP, jQuery, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, CSS3 Animations, Sass/Compass
NIC Inc.
Design and development of the prototype of a backend site for administrators of the EGA application. The tool allows for searching, adding and modifying users, next to resetting passwords and looking up transactions and their details.
Responsive, Photoshop, PHP, jQuery, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, CSS3 Animations, SASS/Compass
Candid Marketing + Communications
Complete rewrite from someone else's two failed attempts to create this challenging website. Customized sections for team members and portfolio next to easily changeable background images make it an enduser friendly CMS for this award-winning, client-centric branding, marketing, advertising, public relations and interactive agency.
Custom Wordpress Theme, Mobile First, Responsive, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, SASS/Compass, jQuery, Javascript, Custom Taxonomy and Post Types, Animations, Photoshop
From a provided design, this project consisted of modifying and updating an existing theme into a new theme for a Senior Living Community. This included the creation of 12 different templates and merging old and new code. Integration of various Wordpress Plugins for Scrolling Sliders, Events Calendar, Photos and Videos.
Wordpress Child Theme, Mobile, Responsive, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, SASS/Compass, jQuery
Barkley › Spirit Airlines
Front-End code and asset preparation for this single page micro site with video slider, Twitter feed and an animated (and working) calculator.
Responsive, Mobile First, HTML5, CSS3, SASS/Compass, jQuery, Javascript, Animations, Photoshop
Barkley › Vanity Fair
PHP site with 16 different user experiences for a market research project. The site included a Size Gate (size filter), Fit Quiz (26 pages) resulting in a “Your Suite”(best matching bras), Find Your Favorite (6 step filter tool), Bras page (with style filter option), Bra Detail page (with ‘how-to’ animated videos slider), Registration/Login page, a My Drawer section with Shopping Cart, Wish List Slider and Shopping History.
Fixed min-max width Desktop Only solution. Photoshop, PHP, jQuery, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, SASS/Compass, Sliders, Animations
Barkley › DQ
This campaign included 3 emails (2 weeks prior event, day before event and thank-you after the event) for the US, English-Canadian and French-Canadian market.
Grunt Email Workflow, Grunt, Ruby, Premailer, Mailgun, Handlebar, HTML, CSS, SASS, Photoshop, ExactTarget
Barkley › DQ
Front-End Development of this single page, responsive site. It included animated GIF and an audio library for playback of a slew of phrases.
Responsive, Mobile First, Photoshop, HTML5, CSS3, SASS/Compass, Javascript, jQuery, Animations
Barkley › Sprint
Coding of the redesigned Sprint Wholesale Solutions site plus integration of existing sections with the new design. Custom CMS layout templates for the end-user.
Dot-Net, Sitefinity, CMS, Responsive, Mobile First, HTML5, CSS3, SASS/Compass, jQuery, Javascript, Animations
Wombat Studios
Redesign and development of an existing site. A Masonry style home page with easy options for the end-user to specify importancy of projects and which to show (mobile displaying the least for fast site loading). It needed to be solution for easy updating of the business portfolio.
Custom Wordpress Theme, Mobile First, Responsive, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, SASS/Compass, jQuery, Javascript, Custom Taxonomy, Animations
Development and maintenance for this Medical Device Company over the period of 5 years. Transitioned from a customized Joomla template to a Custom Wordpress Theme and from a Flash only to an HTML5 site with mobile friendly videos and interactive map to locate doctors.
Customized Joomla Theme, Custom Wordpress Theme, Custom Interactive Map, Custom Taxonomy, Custom Post Types, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Photoshop
Salva O’Renick
A wonderful opportunity to be part of a great team and to write the code for the Front-End Templates of this extensive website which then got used in the robust Django/Ruby CMS solution.
HTML5, CSS3, LESS, Javascript, jQuery